Comment history with IBangBaby
Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 comments
I'm stupid.
The picture that says preps on your profile is an example of what I'm talking about.
How it just overlaps.
And I'm sorry I've just been asking all this stuff.
My name's Catie.
I never really introduced myself. ums/c12/deadxtoxme/screenshot. jpg
See how the boxes are overlapping all the pictures?
The taped picture on the left, for instance, how the tape doesn't cover the div.
I know the whole z-index thing but how do you get it to overlap without a bunch of white around the piece of tape from the rest of the picture?
If that doesn't make sense, I'll send the screenshot of it messing up.
Okay, I get the div overlay now, but there's one question I have.
When overlapping divs, how do you get the image to just be an image?
That probably doesn't make sense.
But say you were putting a picture of a music note overlapping on one of the divs.
How do you get rid of all the white surrounding the overlapping music note?
Okay, that really doesn't make much sense, does it? ms/index.php?showtopic=142922
Oh God, duh.
I meant like a div overlay profile.
I've never really worked on divs.
You don't have to explain everything to me.
But do you maybe have a link that could explain it to me?
I'm trying to learn it.
I want my profile to be fixed.
No scroll or anything on the page, just the profile.
The whole thing.
So I want everything to be in one gigantic scrollbox.
I think one of your layouts is like that....
Hmm, what do you mean? So that the tables scroll, instead of stretch?
I love all your layouts, they're gorgeous.
I was wondering though, do you know a code that will make my whole myspace profile scroll?
I've looked all over and I can't seem to find the code.
If you can help me, please comment back.